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The Buffalo Soldiers Museum

The African American Military Experience

The Buffalo Soldiers National Museum is dedicated to exploring and displaying the stories and contributions of African Americans in the military by way of performing and visual arts, educational programming, and exhibitions. Our exhibitions span over centuries of military conflicts ranging from the Revolutionary War to present day. We highlight the stories and contributions of African American men and women and the great sacrifices they made in the defense of our Nation and its citizens.

As our Founder, Captain Matthews so eloquently states “although we focus on and feature the African American military experience, we are an American History institution and we want the world to know that.” As you peruse the site and visit our exhibits, look for something that you respond to, whether it’s an artifact that reminds you of your parents or grandparents, a uniform like the one you once served in, or artwork that tells a compelling story. When you find it, we’d love to hear from you about it and hope that you also share it with friends and family and invite them to visit us to find something they relate to as well.

As we continue working to build our Path Forward, we invite you to take the journey with us. By visiting, donating, participating in programming, volunteering, becoming a member, purchasing an item from the gift shop, or by being an advocate by spreading the word. Your support ensures that the legacy of the African American military experience will not be ignored, overlooked or forgotten.
